Help For Navigating Child Custody And Parenting Time

When parents divorce or separate, child custody and parenting time issues are of the utmost importance. Child custody determines which parent has primary custody of the child and where the child holds primary residence. In many, but not all cases, one parent or the other will be awarded sole custody.

Parenting time, commonly known as visitation, concerns the court-ordered visitation that the noncustodial parent spends with the child. A parenting time arrangement can be very specific, detailing pickup times and where the child spends holidays, birthdays and vacations.

At The Law Office of Alexander M. Jones, I handle child custody and visitation matters for clients in Salem, Oregon, and throughout surrounding areas. My clients include mothers and fathers as well as grandparents seeking custody or visitation privileges.

As a knowledgeable family law attorney, I can provide you with the guidance you need and negotiate strongly on your behalf.

Contact my law office at 503-798-9795 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable Salem custody lawyer.

Child Custody Modifications

Circumstances change in the months and years after a child custody and visitation arrangement is established. In some cases, changing circumstances warrant a modification of legal orders.

Changes that can warrant such a modification include:

  • Relocation
  • A medical emergency
  • Abuse or neglect
  • Significant parenting time violations

The change must be significant for a judge to allow the modification. I represent parties on both sides of these issues. If you are seeking a modification of orders or trying to stop an adverse modification, I can stand up for your rights.

Contact A Knowledgeable Custody Attorney Today

Do you need strong legal representation for a child custody dispute? Contact my law office online or by telephone at 503-798-9795 to arrange a consultation with a Salem custody lawyer.