Understanding surrogacy law in Oregon

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2018 | Family Law

If you want to become a biological parent but for personal reasons or health reasons cannot carry a fetus to full term, it is possible to conceive a child through the means of surrogacy. Surrogacy is the act of implanting an embryo into a woman who is willing to carry a fetus that is not genetically hers to full term. After the baby is born, the biological mother will assume custody of the child, along with her partner if she has one.

It goes without saying that the surrogacy process is not without controversy and needs a great deal of legal supervision in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly. If you are considering surrogacy, it is important that you take the time to understand where the law stands in Oregon.

Creating a surrogacy contract in Oregon

In order to go through the surrogacy process in Oregon, it is vital that you draft a sound contract. This has the potential to become difficult, and a strong understanding of the law is needed. The contract should include the details of all the parties included in the surrogacy process. There should also be an assertion that the mother is unable to sustain a pregnancy.

The surrogate mother needs to go through through psychological testing, and she must agree to this within the written contract, as well as show details of her health insurance. There should also be parameters set for how many attempts to achieve pregnancy should be made.

If you are considering surrogacy in Oregon, it is a good idea to conduct thorough research into the practical and emotional and legal outcomes before making a decision.