If you believe that you are the father of a child, it is likely that you will want to do everything that you can to strengthen your bond. However, it is not always easy to do so. If you are not on good terms with the mother of your child, you may struggle to gain paternity.
Establishing paternity is important if you want to have legal custody of your child. Doing this as soon as possible after the child’s birth will help to pave the way for a great relationship with your child for the rest of your life.
What are the ways that paternity can be established?
Paternity can be established in many ways. First, if you were married to the mother at the time of the child’s birth, paternity is legally assumed. Secondly, the mother can put your name on the birth certificate and voluntarily acknowledge that you are the father. If the mother refuses to acknowledge you as the father, there are other routes you can take.
What can I do if the mother will not cooperate?
If the mother will not cooperate, you can ask the courts for a DNA test ruling. This will enable you to compare DNA with the child and have paternity scientifically established.
How should I start the process?
You should start the process by trying to talk maturely to the mother of the child. It is always ideal to have a voluntary acknowledgment. If this fails, then you may want to consider getting a court order. As a potential father, it is important to stand up for your paternity rights.