If you are going through a divorce or separation and you have children, you may be intending to co-parent with your ex. In the majority of situations, co-parenting can be very beneficial for the child in question, because it enables them to be brought up by both of their parents.
Crafting a parenting plan is a great way to ensure that you and your ex agree regarding the way in which your children are brought up. The agreement can be a detailed document that you can update as your children grow older and their needs change. The following are some tips on creating a successful parenting plan.
Create the plan with your child’s best interests in mind
Your child’s interests should come before the interests of yourself and your ex. Therefore, you should be willing to make compromises if you know that it will benefit your child in the long run. You may not be happy that your child will spend alternate weekends with their other parent, but if you know that it will benefit the relationship they have with them, it is important that you accept such arrangements.
Make sure that there is a focus on consistency
Consistency is key when it comes to routines for children. Therefore, you should craft a schedule that your child can memorize and predict.
Make sure that the plan is realistic
Don’t be too idealistic when you are creating a parenting plan. It’s important that you are able to stick to the plan because if you cannot, it will become redundant.
If you are currently going through a separation and you are trying to establish child custody, it is important that you fight for what you believe to be best for your child.