Why are uncontested divorces preferred?

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2020 | Family Law

If you are embarking on a divorce, it’s likely that you want to engage in a process that is as stress-free as possible. However, you will know that the divorce process is infamous for high tensions and battles between spouses. This is usually the case with a contested divorce, but it does not need to be this way.

Going through an uncontested divorce is generally preferred because it could mean that you are able to work with your divorcing spouse instead of against them, saving time and money, and having a less stressful experience. It could even help you get a better outcome overall. The following is an overview of what you should know before going through an uncontested divorce.

You must be eligible for an uncontested divorce

Uncontested divorces are only available to couples who have no disagreements regarding the key aspects of the divorce. Therefore, even if you desire to go through an uncontested divorce, you will not be able to if your spouse is not willing to compromise.

Success is down to you and your divorcing spouse

If you are able to engage in a working relationship with your divorcing spouse, it’s likely that the divorce process will be more tolerable and less costly. This is not easy to do, and it’s the main reason why so many divorcing spouses go through a contested divorce. However, if you are committed to going through an uncontested divorce, you can increase your chances of success by trying to create a healthy environment of communication and transparency from the start.

If you want to go through an uncontested divorce but you are unsure of how to make it work, it’s important that you look further into the matter.